The only big event this week is sold out!

Our own City Services Director Rich Snyder will be speaking at the Cuyahoga Tree Summit this week.

The third annual Cuyahoga Tree Summit addresses the needs of the county’s canopy from the perspective of local tree advocacy groups. Rich will be speaking about a passion of his, planting trees on private property to improve the tree canopy. While you can’t get a ticket, it’s pretty cool that the leadership in our city is also a leader in our area! Go Rich!!

A few upcoming days to keep on your calendar:

Octoberfest is coming up at the Senior Center!!

Thursday, October 3rd
Chardon Polka Band Concert at 1:30 pm
Residents $10; non-residents $11

Enjoy an afternoon of fun with their innovative approach to polka! Formed as teenagers at Chardon High School, this band now plays at polka festivals across the country after being featured on reality show “Polka Kings” in 2015.

October 7 in Council Chambers is a public meeting to discuss Ordinance 32-24 which amends the city zoning map.

This is the old map found on the city website

And this is the new map

If you have comments, or just want to hear ours, please join us on Monday Oct 7 at 7PM in Council Chambers.

The was little but exciting new business, we are participating in Heritage Home Loan Program with the Cleveland Restoration Society and beginning the planning for Bradstreet’s Landing Spencer Creek Stream Restoration. Both items will go on to get the full three reads.

We passed most of the legislation we had in the queue. Check out the agenda at the city website and look for the minutes on Thursday!